Monday, April 8, 2013

Switching to Calculus

By Charlie Rupp

                        In the 2013-2014 school year, Interstate 35 will be seeing changes in the math department. Mr. Jordan Edgerly will now be teaching calculus. While all the changes in the math department have not yet been finalized, the number of students that sign up for math classes will play a big factor in who will be teaching which classes. This is a difficult task because certain classes are offered more than once throughout the day, while others are not.

                        Edgerly has recently obtained his masters degree in the school of mathematics, so he will now be certified to teach the upper levels of math that Interstate offers. He plans to work closely with one of his professors from Iowa State University to make this a smooth transition.

                        “I’m excited to carry over with the pre-calculus class because it’s very unique to be able to be will the same students for two years,” exclaimed Edgerly about his excitement for this transition.

                        “I feel like this will created a great, smooth transition from this year to next year with the same teacher,” remarked junior, Brittany Mease.

                        “It will be nice to have a constant teacher instead of changing teachers every year,” added junior, Tess Taylor.

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