Friday, September 21, 2012

Who Fartlek'd?

By Katie Jacobson
No Sibling Rivalry Here.  Only Peace and Running
With the crumbly gravel roads and dry days we've been having, you'd have to be insane to be running around outside, right? Wrong. You just have to be as dedicated as our cross country team.
With the heat causing early outs for our school and forcing many after extracurricular activities to be cancelled, cross country members are really feeling the need for lots and lots of water.
"It's really hard to stay hydrated," said runner Holly McKinney. Another consequence the team has been facing from the meet are having their races shortened. Instead of the girls running 2.5 miles and the boys running 3.1, the girls run only 2 miles and the boys run 2.5. "I would rather just run the whole thing since we're there already. It's just another .5 miles," added McKinney.
When Coach Spoerl was asked about his hopes for this season he said the goal was to get everyone to peak at Districts. "I've been very pleased with the performances and hard work they've put in despite the heat." So far everyone has only been improving with each meet, which probably comes from the major hill work and speed training the runners have been doing every day after school. "Overall we have a very hard working team," stated Spoerl.
This season has shown many obstacles for the cross country team and there is no guarantee that there won’t be more to come. So here’s to a good season for our runners!

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